About Isla Rose


My man was way too feminine and I used to wonder if it would ever change.

I felt lost and afraid. It was so comfortable and safe with him. I knew where I stood, I knew that he would never stray and that he loved me so much. It just didn’t seem to be enough, and I couldn't accept the way things were, and the way he was, so I didn’t know what to do.

I wanted to feel provided for, protected, and soft, but instead I felt exhausted, angry, and resentful.

I was craving and longing for a masculine energy man, and I didn't know how much longer I could continue in a relationship without one, where I rarely felt like the woman.

One day, when I was googling something along the lines of “my partner isn’t masculine enough” or “how do I get my man to be more masculine?”, I came across the concept of masculine and feminine energy. I learned that if I want to bring out the masculine side of a man, or attract a masculine man, I need to be in my feminine energy.

Once I went more into my feminine energy, our relationship completely turned around:

  • He went from not feeling ready to move in together to feeling sure about it.

  • He became more masculine and started leading.

  • I was able to accept him the way he was, which in turn inspired him to grow and change all by himself.

  • His mental health got way better and he became more emotionally stable.

  • There became a spark in our relationship and I began to feel more attracted to him.

  • Our sex life got better.

  • I went from feeling ‘masculine’ to feeling like 'the woman' in my relationship.

  • He started taking care of me more.

  • He got really into self development books and podcasts, improving himself and becoming more masculine.

  • He started making concrete plans for our future together.

  • He stopped people pleasing and his self worth increased, which allowed me to trust and respect him more.

  • He started dressing better and more smartly. Instead of wearing hoodies, a t-shirt, tracksuit bottoms, and runners everyday, he started wearing jeans, boots, polos/t-shirts and jumpers.

  • He became more of a gentleman - doing things like pulling out my chair for me, opening the car door, walking on the outside of the pavement, carrying things like my bag, paying for things, etc.

  • He started taking more action, suggesting things and initiating.

  • He started texting me a lot, and I became the one who took a while to respond rather than the other way around!

  • He became more assertive.

  • He started making me his number 1 priority.

  • He started appreciating me and valuing me much more.

  • I observed him taking more of a masculine/leadership role in contexts outside of our relationship as well, such as in social settings, which was attractive to me.

I was blown away by the profound effect that connecting with my feminine energy had on our relationship, and I began to feel so passionate about it. So, when the opportunity arose to train and get accredited as a Feminine Energy Dating & Relationship Coach for Women with Michelle Manley, one of the most successful relationship coaches in the UK, I jumped on it! Now, I feel connected, warm, and fulfilled helping women drop into their feminine energy to attract a masculine energy man, or inspire the masculine energy in the man they’re already with.